
Giant Eagle run

Total: $.47 Savings of: $56.47.

Friday, August 31, 2012

FREE Red Rose Simply Indulgent Tea sample - Facebook offer

expired Head on over to the Red Rose Tea Facebook page and "like it. Click on the Free Tea Sample tab to score a FREE sample of the new Red Rose Simply Indulgent Te...

Kroger - FREE Seafood Snackers after coupon

This coupon has reset if you printed it previously! Right now Kroger has the Seafood Snackers on sale for $.79. Even sweeter, there was a new $.50 printable released today that will make these totally free after doubles! **to locate the coupon easily head over to coupons.com and click on "local" coupons. Change the zip to 43016 and click on "coupons". Seafood...

Kroger - Kraft Fresh Take Cheese $1.29 starting next week after coupon and mega sale

Starting next week at Kroger you can score Kraft Fresh Take cheese for $1.29 after mega discount and coupon. Kraft Fresh Take cheese $2.29 (wyb 10 participating items)  -use the $.50 coupon available here (doubles to $1.00) =$1....

CVS - Dry Idea deodorant $.50 each starting 9/9

Here is a CVS deal that doesn't start until 9/9 but you may want to print your coupons now just in case they are no longer available tomorrow (coupons reset tonight!) Dry Idea Deodorant 2 for $6 and earn 1ECB 2 Dry Idea Deodorants $3.00 each  -use 2 $1.00 CVS coupons available here (under personal care)  -plus use the $2.00 off 2 coupon that will be in the 9/9...

Walgreens - $.07 Chex Mix starting 9/2

Here is an awesome deal at Walgreen's starting 9/2!  Chex Mix, Bugles or Gardetto’s 3 for $3 and earn $1 RR wyb 3  -use 3 $.60 coupons available here (will need 2 computers) =$1.20 OOP and earn $1.00 RR Final Price - $.07 a b...

ChildrensPlace.com - 20% off + FREE shipping (no minimum)

ChildrensPlace.com is once again offering 20% off your total purchase and free shipping - no minimum! There are still lots of great deals through out the clearance sections if you are looking to stock up on clothes for next season. Their denim is also on sale right now for $9.99, so only $7.99 after coupon! Once all items are added to your cart, make sure to use promo...

FREE sample Prilosec OTC 24 hour

Head on over here and you will be able to request a free sample of Prilosec O...

Saveology - $5 for a $10 Children's Place or Bath and Body Works gift card or $7.50 for a Payless or Gap gift card

Saveology is currently offering a few great gift card deals for new customers. After purchasing your gift card voucher, you will need to wait 24 hours before you can redeem it (similar to Groupon) You will receive an email letting you know your voucher is ready or you can check your My Account section to claim your voucher. Once you have a voucher number head over here to...

BabyLegs.com - 60% off sitewide + FREE shipping

BabyLegs.com is currently offering 60% off site-wide plus FREE shipping (no minimum!) Just head over here to browse through the available items. Once completed, head to checkout and use promo code FB60K to score your discount and free shipping! I loved BabyLegs for our kids when they were learning to crawl. They didn't get in the way like pants did but...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Shopping trips 8/30 - CVS & Sears

I headed out to CVS today for the first time in 6 weeks! I have an expired $5 ECB I was planning on rolling, but my local store was out of the ZzzQuil. I tested the water today by using an expired red coupon machine coupon to see if they would accept it and the cashier had no issues with it! This is great news considering my old store took all coupons expired and I LOVED...

Mail Day 8/30

Today I received: FREE Minute Maid 10 pack coupon previously available from My Coke Rewards $10 Boston Market gift card I paid $3 for (previously available here) I called our old post office today to find out why most of our mail isn't being forwarded. She informed me there is a new delivery guy on our route, but she would leave him a note to pull everything from our mailbox...

$.75 off 1 Gerber Organic pouch & Gerber Grabbers still available - print before the new month starts!

Just wanted to give a reminder that these 2 coupons are still available! If you live in an area of high doubles, you will be able to score FREE Gerber Organic Pouches! Head on over here and you will be able to print a coupon good for $.75 off 1 Gerber Organic Pouch. Kroger Gerber Organic Pouch $1.25  -use the $.75 coupon available here (doubles to $1.25) =FREE! **If...

Groupon - Dyson Air Multiplier Table Fan $169 ($299.99 list price) + FREE shipping

Groupon is currently offering the Dyson Air Multiplier Table Fan for only $169 ($299.99 list price)! If you have never seen one of these fans in person, they are SO neat! I love the fast that there are no blades so I never have to worry about out children being too close for comfort. You will also score FREE shipping when you purchase this! FeaturesPatented Air Multiplier...

High Value $2.00 off 2 Air Wick National Park products

Click on the banner above to sign up for Air Wick Fragrant Homes Club and just for doing so you'll score a coupon good for $2.00 off 2 Air Wick National Park Products (excludes Aerosols, Stick Ups, and Solids). This is a high value Air Wick coupon, so make sure to print now! These candles are usually around $2.50 without a sale, but with fall and winter right...

FREE Swiffer wetjet extra power pads - Facebook offer

expired Head on over to the Swiffer Facebook page and “like” them. Click on the Swiffer Giveaway tab and you’ll score a pack of Swiffer WetJet Extra Power Pads! This is available to the first 50,...

Saving Star - buy 15 Boxes of Kraft mac & cheese & earn $5

Saving Star has added a new coupon today! Head on over here and you'll be able to clip a coupon good for $5.00 back when you buy 15 boxes of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese 5.5-7.25 oz. You can make this purchase at one time, or over the course of a few weeks.Even if you have no coupons to pair with this, after the $5 deposit that would make each box only $.67 if you buy...

FREE can of Royal Canin Spayed/Neutered formula - Facebook offer (printable free coupon)

Head on over to the Royal Canin USA Facebook page and "like it". Click on the Spayed/Neutered tab to print a coupon good for a FREE can of Royal Canin Spayed/Neutered Formula.**Please keep in mined this is a printable coupon and not all stores will accept ...

Sears - FREE gift card for active military - first 20,000 - 2pm EST

If you or a family member is on Active Duty from August 30th 2012 to December 3rd 2012 make sure you head over here at 2pm EST and sign up for the Sears Heroes at Home Wish Registry! The first 20,000 people who sign up who receive a gift card for Sears/Kmart which will be valid in store or online. Last year I believe all gift cards were claimed within a minute or 2 so...

End month the month - coupons ending 8/31

It's the end of the month and that means we will be seeing some coupons disappear! Below are all the ones that will no longer be available to print after 8/31. I have highlighted the higher value ones first: $.70 off Kellogg's Fiber Plus Nutty Delight bars $0.75 off Butterball Deli Meats $0.50 off select Bisquick products $0.75 off any Cascadian Farm product $0.50...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sears.com - Men's Lee belted cargo shorts as low as $10.79 (free shipping with $49+ or shop your way max free trial)

Sears.com currently has been belted cargo shorts as low as $10.80 after promo codes! You can score free shipping on all order over $49 or you can head on over here and sign up for a free 3 month trial of Shop your Way Max. Your free 3 month trial does NOT auto renew so there will be nothing to cancel (love that!) Included in the Shop your Way Max is:  -Free standard...

Shutterfly - New customers - FREE 8x8 hardcover photo book (just pay shipping)

Shutterfly is currently offering new customers a FREE 8×8 Hardcover photo book (a $29.99 value) You will need to pay shipping which should be around $8. Just head over here and type in your email address to have your unique code emailed to y...

CVS - Double quartly Extra Bucks Rewards 9/16-12/15 - sign up now

YAY! Love this deal! Head on over here and you will be able to sign up to receive double quarterly extra bucks rewards 9/16-12/15! That means you will receive 4% back instead of the standard 2%. I never spend a lot OOP at CVS but that extra 2% will give me a little extra CVS "cash" in my pocket...

FREE sample pack of Lansinoh products

Head on over here to request a FREE sample pack of Lansinoh HPA Lanolin, Lansinoh Disposable Nursing Pads, Lansinoh Milk Storage Bags, and Lansinoh Clean and Condition Baby Wipes. I had to include dashes in my phone number for it to go thro...

FREE subscription to Working Mother magazine

Here is another magazine freebie! Head on over here and you'll be able to request a free subscription to Working Mother magazine! You can also score 3 other magazine freebies here (American Baby, Islands and a Bridal Gui...

Papa Johns - 50% off your total online order (regular priced items) - valid through 9/4

Papa Johns is once again offering 50% off your total online order....it's so hard NOT to take advantage of this deal!! Papa Johns is offering 50% off your online order through 9/4! This will only work on regular priced items. (no sale prices or packaged deals) After adding  the items you want to your cart, you will need to enter promo code SPORTS50 to...

Buehler's - *HOT* Kraft salad dressing money maker after Catalina starting 8/29! + other FREE items!

I never post Buehler's deals since I don't live by one, but this is one deal worth sharing! If you are lucky enough to live near a Buehler's, you may want to head out this week and take advantage of their Kraft deal! When you purchase 10 select Kraft items, you will receive a Catalina for $10 OYNO. Even sweeter, some of the Kraft items included are only $.99 each when you...

Walgreen's - Friends and family event 8/29 ONLY - 15% off your total purchase (20% off all W brand items

Walgreen's is having a friends and family event tomorrow, 8/29 only! Just head over here and you'll be able to print a coupon good for 15% off your total purchase or 20% off all Walgreen's, Nice or W Brand products. Earn $2.50RR when you buy 1 Crest Pro-Health Clinical Toothpaste $3.49  -use 15% off coupon available here (takes off $.52)  -plus...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

FREE full size Post-It super sticky notes - Facebook offer

Click on the banner above to go to the Post-It Facebook page and "like" it. Click on "share your idea" and share how you use Post-It notes to encourage your kids at school and you'll score a FREE full size Post-It super sticky notes! Act fast though, they only have 10,000 Post-Its to give out!...

Sears.com - 12 women's mix and match pack socks $6.05 with free in store pickup

If you have a tween in your household (or just enjoy socks that aren't white) you may like this deal! Sears.com currently has 12 women's mix and match socks for $7.56. Even sweeter, you can use promo code CSO20AUG to score an additional 20% off, making these only $6.05! To avoid a shipping charge, make sure to select free in store pickup at your local sears store! ...

FREE sun care kit -

Head on over here and you will be able to request a FREE Sun Care Kit. Included will be: a Travel bag, Sun hat, Sunscreen and Lip balm. Just click on the “Sign Up” tab on the left hand side to sign ...

FREE Tampax Radiant sample - Facebook offer

Head on over to the Tampax Facebook page at 6am EST and "like" it. Click on the free sample tab and you'll be able to request a free sample of Tampax Radiant...

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