
Giant Eagle run

Total: $.47 Savings of: $56.47.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Kmart.com - Essential Home Non-Woven Storage Bin $2.24 w/ free in store pickup

YAY! I am excited about this deal! I just placed an order for 6 of these bins for the kids playroom. We currently have toys everywhere so this will be an easy way for them to organize everything! I also picked up this shelf to put the bins in for $29.99. Seems like a great price for item that will only hold toys! :) Kmart.com currently has Essential Home Non-Woven...

Sunday Coupon Preview - 1 P&G insert

We usually get a coupon break on Holiday weekends...but it looks like there will be a P&G insert in the paper tomorrow! This Sunday we are expecting 1 P&G insert! You can head over to the Sunday Coupon Preview to see what coupons you will see tomorrow. Remember, coupon values can vary by region, but this will give you a good idea on what to expec...

Giant Eagle - a few stock up deals!

There are a few great deals at Giant Eagle this week, so I wanted to make a list of all the stock up items! These prices will run through 1/2. Country Crock Spread $2.00  -use the $.70 coupon available here - watch the video to change the coupon from $.35 to $.70 (doubles to $1.40) =$.60! Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt $1.49  -use the $.40 coupon available here...

Pacifica Perfume - $10 off a $10 purchase - just pay shipping

Pacifica Perfume is offering $10 off a $10 purchase when you use promo code VALUED1413 during checkout. You will have to pay $5.95 shipping on orders under $50, except for the perfume samples which are $2.95 for shipping for 5 samples. Make sure to browse around to see what deal you can find! You can pick up 5 perfume samples available here for just the $2.95 shipping Or...

Shopping trips 12/28 - Kroger, Meijer, Old Navy & H&M

I finally have a few shopping trips to share! With Christmas and the busy holiday season, I did most of my shopping online. I ran LLOOTTSS of errands tonight because we are supposed to get 2-4 inches of snow today and then we have New Years! I like to take a step back in January from spending money, so I needed to get all my trips in yesterday! Kroger OOP: $10.11 Savings...

Victoria's Secret - FREE limited edition New Years Eve panty with any purchase

Here is a freebie from Victoria Secret! Head on over here and you will be able to print a coupon valid for a FREE Limited Edition New Years Eve panty with ANY purchase. Coupon is valid through 12/...

Kmart.com - Children's clothing clearance event - clothes as low as $2.15

Kmart.com is having an online children's clearance clothing event! Even sweeter, you can use promo code OFFERS10 to score an additional 10% off the clearance prices! You can have the items shipped for free if you are a Shop your Way Rewards member (or you can sign up for a free 90 day trial) or select to pick up your items at your local Kmart store! To...

Kmart - Vtech Vreader reading system $15 w/ free in store pickup (originally $39.99)

  Kmart.com has the Vtech Vreader on clearance for $15 (originally $39.99). This item is out of stock for shipping, but you can select to pick up at your local Kmart store if they have them in stock! This item is still $39.96 on Amazon, so I would snatch this up if your local kmart has it in sto...

Friday, December 28, 2012

Kohls.com - children's clearance clothing event! Clothing as low as $1.50

UPDATE - I was able to pick up 13 items for $3.90 an item! This included 4 sets of Pajamas, 5 hoodies, a dress shirt and 3 long sleeve tees! I don't have a Kohls charge so I had to get to the $50 for free shipping. A few items I wanted had sold out before I finished checking out, so make sure to JUMP on this if interested!   Kohls.com is currently having a large children's...

Target.com - buy 3 clearance clothing items & score an additional 10% off + FREE shipping!

Target.com is offering an additional 10% off your clearance clothing purchase when you buy 3 or more items. Even sweeter, you will also score FREE shipping when you purchase at least 3 items! Just head over here to start browsing through the clearance selection. Cherokee Boys' Short-Sleeve Polo $3.48-$4.98 Circo Infant Toddler Girls StarsDress -...

Meijer & Kroger - 3 Digiorno Frozen pizzas for $10.00 + $2.00 OYNO

There is a new Buy 2 Large Digiorno Pizzas, get one free coupon available! There is also currently a Catalina deal running at Meijer and Kroger that will help you score a sweet deal! Both stores have Digiorno pizzas on sale this week for $5.00. Catalina - through 12/30/12: DiGiorno Pizzas, Large- BUY 2, GET $ 1.00 OYNO- BUY 3, GET $2.00 OYNO- BUY 4, GET $3.00 OYNO You...

Kroger - $.07 Suave deodorant with new printable

  We have a new Suave printable that will help you score $.07 Suave deodorant at Kroger! Suave deodorant $1.07  -use the $.50 coupon available here (doubles to $1.00) =$....

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Kroger - great deals on select Kellogg's cereals

Kroger has some great deals on Kellogg's cereal this week! If you have an iPhone, ipod or Android phone, you will want to head over here and download a free app called ibotta. ibotta is a lot like Endorse where you get rewarded for shopping and uploading your receipt when you buy certain products. Currently, ibotta is offering a $5 sign up bonus after you download...

CVS - FREE Soft Scrub after Saving Star deposit starting 1/6

You can score FREE Soft Scrub at CVS starting January 6th after coupon and Saving Star deposit! Soft Scrub $2.00  -use the $1.00 coupon available here =$1.00 OOP  -clip the $1.00 Saving Star coupon available here and receive $1.00 Saving Star deposit! Final Price - FREE...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Disney Movie Rewards - new 5 point code - valid thru 12/27

If you are a Disney Movie Rewards member, just head over here and log into your Disney Movie Rewards account. You can then enter the code 25doc12 to score 5 Bonus point...

Disney Movie Rewards - 5 point code

If you are a Disney Movie Rewards member, just head over here and log into your Disney Movie Rewards account. You can then enter the code 25DOCBMR7225 to score 5 Bonus point...

Pampers gifts 2 grow - new 10 point code

There is a new Pampers gifts to grow code available! Just head over here and enter code FBCHD11XMASKH12  to score 10 points! ...

Bonton.com - holiday socks or gloves $.97 shipped

Bonton.com currently has select styles of holiday socks or gloves for only $.97. Even sweeter, shipping is FREE on all orders - no minimum!...

BestBuy.com - Brave Nintendo DS $7.99 shipped

BestBuy.com currently has Disney Pixar Brave for the Nintendo DS for only $7.99! You can score free shipping on this item, or free in store pick up if you wanted to receive your item a little quicker! This is the Deal of the Day today, so this price will only be valid through midnight tonight. This game is currently $19.99 on Amazo...

Monday, December 24, 2012

Amazon - 20 MP3 albums $1.99 or less - Kenny Chesney, Rihanna + more!

Amazon has even more MP3 albums for $1.99 or less! Just head over here to browse through the 20 available titles. Some of the Albums included are Kenny Chesney "Greatest Hits II", No Doubt "Push & Shove", Rihanna "unapologetic" and mo...

Sears Outlet - FREE apparel item - today only!

If you live near a Sear Outlet, you can head in there today with your Shop Your Way Rewards card and pick out any apparel item and get it TOTALLY FREE! You will just need to print out the flyer available here  to score your free it...

Disney Movie Rewards - new 5 point code

If you are a Disney Movie Rewards member, just head over here and log into your Disney Movie Rewards account. You can then enter the code 25DOCBMR24 to score 15 Bonus point...

Amazon - Taylor Swift Red MP3 album + digital book $1.99

WOW! Here is a great deal on Taylor Swift's newest album! Amazon.com currently has the Red MP3 album + digital book for only $1....

Sunday, December 23, 2012

$2.00 off any 1 Jose Ole item 16oz+ - Facebook offer

Head on over to the Jose Ole Facebook page and “like” it. Click on the “Miracles Coupon” tab and you will be able to print a coupon valid for $2.00 off any 1 Jose Ole item 16 oz or larger coupon!  For each coupon printed, a $2 donation will be made to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals So far, over $41,000 has been donate...

20% off your entire Famous Footwear purchase - valid through 12/25

If you need a last minute gift, print out this coupon and head to your local Famous Footwear! Head on over here and you'll be able to print a coupon good for 20% off your entire purchase at Famous Footwear - Coupon is valid through 12/...

BestBuy.com - sports team pillow pets $14.99 w/ free in store pickup

BestBuy.com has different sports team pillow pets for only $14.99. You can select to pick up at your local Best Buy store if you plan to give it as a Christmas gift. Shipping is free if you aren't in a hurry to receive (shipping is not available on all styles though). If you are looking for a team not pictured below, just head over here and search for "pillow pets" Fabrique...

FREE sample Zarbee's all natural adult cough syrup - Facebook offer

Head on over to the ZarBee’s Cough Syrup Facebook page and you will be able to request a FREE sample of all natural adult cough syrup! You will need to confirm your request for a free sample by clicking the link on the email they will send.&nbs...

Restaurant.com - FREE $25 gift card - text offer

 You can score a FREE $25 eGift Card to Restaurant.com when you text JOY to 78166.  Once you receive a text back, just click on the link in the text message to receive the exclusive code to score your FREE $25 eGift Car...

Saturday, December 22, 2012

$2.00 off 2 Coca-Cola 2 liters coupon = FREE 2 liters?!

Head on over here and register for an IGA account. Once completed, click on the coupons tab at the top of the screen and you will be able to locate a coupon good for $2.00 off 2 Coca-Cola 2 liters. You will find these anywhere from $1.00-$1.25 when on sale at most stores, so as low as FREE after coup...

Walgreen's - FREE 5x7 photo print - today only

Walgreen's Photo is offering a FREE 5×7 Photo Print when you use promo code FREE5x7 during checkout! You will want to to select to pick up at your local Walgreen's store to avoid the shipping charge. This offer is valid today onl...

Walmart.com - Artificial Christmas Tree, Stocking and Tree Skirt Bundle $18.00

If you are looking to pick up a tree for next year, you may want to take advantage of this deal currently available from Walmart! Head on over here and you will be able to pick out an artificial Christmas Tree, 2 stockings and a tree skirt for $18.00. You can select to pick up at your local Walmart location to avoid the shipping charge.  Seems like a pretty sweet...

FREE movie screening of parental Guidance - Beavercreek & Elyria - 12/22/12

If you live near Beavercreek or Elyria, you can head over here and request tickets to a free screening of parental Guidance. Both screening are set for today, December 22nd and you must register before heading out to the showing. ...

ToysRUs.com - Imaginarium My Corner Wooden Dollhouse + 75 piece block set $35.99 w/ free in store pickup

Here is a great deal on a cute doll house AND block set! Head on over to ToysRUs.com and you will be able to score the Imaginarium My Corner Wooden Dollhouse and Imaginarium Wooden Block Set - 75-Piece for $35.99 (regularly $166.98). You will need to add both items to your cart to score the discount. To avoid the shipping charge, make sure to select to pick up...

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