
Giant Eagle run

Total: $.47 Savings of: $56.47.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Sears.com - Samsung Galaxy Tab A $99.99 + earn $50 Shop You Way points + free in store pick up

If you are in the market for a tablet, Sears.com currently has a great deal on a Samsung Galaxy Tab A!  Head on over here and add the Samsung Galaxy Tab A 7.0" 8GB w/ Android 5.1 Lollipop - Black tablet to your cart. Head to checkout and the price will drop to $99.99. Even sweeter, you will also score $50 back in Shop Your Way Points! That is like picking this...

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Yankee Candle - $10 off any purchase of $10 or more coupon - through 12/2

I love this coupon! Head on over here and you will be able to print a coupon good for $10 off a Yankee Candle purchase of $10 or more! The coupon is only valid at Yankee Candle stores and is good through 12...

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Meijer - FREE Hot Wheels basic diecast vehicle Mperks coupon

If you are a Meijer shopper, head on over here and log into your Mperks account. Click and the coupons tab and search for "hot wheels" to easily locate a Mperks coupon good for a FREE Hot Wheels basic diecast vehicle. This coupon will be valid through 11/...

Kmart.com - $5 back in points on any home purchase of $5 or more + free in store pick up

Kmart.com is currently offering $5 back in points when you spend $5 or more in the home department! Even sweeter, you can apply promo code CYBER15 to score 15% off and lower your OOP! You can select to pick up at your local Kmart store to avoid the shipping charge. I tried quite a few different items and everything worked without any issues. I opted for the  Anchored...

Staples.com - Toys R Us $50 gift card only $40 - email delivery

Staples.com is currently offering up a $50 Toys R Us gift card for only $40! The gift card will be emailed to you and there is a limit of 3 per person. If you prefer a physical gift card that will be mailed to you, you can still score a great deal at $41.99 for a $50 gift ca...

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Walgreen's Photo - FREE 8x10 photo enlargement w/ free in store pick up!

Today only, Walgreen's Photo is offering up a FREE 8x10 photo print when you use promo code THANKYOUGIFT during checkout. Even sweeter, you can select to pick up the photo at your local Walgreen's store to avoid the shipping charge! Just head over here to upload your pictu...

BestBuy.com - PS4 or XBOX One Hasbro Family Fun Pack Conquest Edition $19.99 shipped

BestBuy.com currently has Hasbro Family Fun Pack Conquest Edition for the PS4 or XBOX One for $19.99 (regularly $39.99). You can either have the item shipped for free or select to pick it up at your local Best Buy store...

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